Caspian Sea Winner-2, 2014

Пудель большой:
Эксперт - Mr. Sang Hoon Lee (South Korea)
Жемчужина Сибири Бьютифул Гел - exl.1, CW, JCAC, JBOB!!! Junior Champion of Azerbaijan!!!
Жемчужина Сибири Виктори Филипп - exl. 1, CW, CAC, CACIB, BOS, BOB!!! Champion of KURA!!!
Эксперт - Mr. Gerrard Jipping (The Netherlands)
Akio Pich Nkozana - exl 1, CW, JCAC, JBOB!!! BOB!!! Best-in-group-3!!! Junior Champion of Azerbaijan!!!
Эксперт - Mr. Gerrard Jipping (The Netherlands)
Фиерия из Мирашелла - exl 1, CW, CAC, CACIB!!! BOS!!! Champion of KURA!!! Grand Champion of Azerbaijan!!!
Шпиц Малый:
Эксперт - Mr. Gerrard Jipping (The Netherlands)
GEM BEADS BLAGODAT SOLNECHNY VETER - exl 1, CW, CAC, CACIB, BOS, BOB!!! Grand Champion of Azerbaijan!!!
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