01-02 декабря 12 Кишинев, Молдова 2хCACIB-FCI
02/12/12 Moldova, Chishinau
NEWF MAYA ow. Modan Laurentiu
CAC,CACIB!!!!! Ch. of Moldova
on the CAC-CY CAC, Best Female Ch. of Cyprus
on the CAC-AZB CAC, Best Female Ch. of Azerb.
POINTER BRIG Best Puppy in breed!!!
EPAGNEUL BRETON GERA Best Puppy in breed!!!
SHISH-TZU MOLLY (Chesvet Line Molly Dancing Doll) Best puppy in show 2!!!!! br. Светлана Михайлова and ow. Andrei Todika.
Tramin FAIRYTAIL CAC,Best Female, BOB, BIG 2!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Svetlana Krezub and Lena Ushan for this beautiful dog!!!!!!!!!
Junior handler 1 place with small Molly!!!!! Thanks for judies Claudio De Djuliani, Shaun Watson, Chris Zeniou, Shon Delmar and Denis Kujel !!!!!
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